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Problems Getting Pregnant? It Could Be Your Medications

problems getting pregnant

Did you learn the skeleton dance song when you were a kid?

It was a way to teach kids where the bones are and how they connect. But connections don’t just stop with the bones of the body. Everything in our body connects to everything else.

It’s a holistic and complicated system. If you do something to one part of the body symptoms can show up on the complete opposite side of the body.

This is why doctors have to go through so much schooling. They didn’t just learn to say, “take two aspirin and see me in the morning.” Although, that does fix a lot of minor illnesses.

But they have to understand how exactly everything connects to everything so that they can correctly diagnose your problems.

If you’re having problems getting pregnant, it may be something that’s not even on your radar. It could be something as simple as stress. It could even be your medications.

Let’s look at how medications can affect fertility.

How Can Medicines Give Me Problems Getting Pregnant?

Two ways medications affect pregnancy are female specific.

Medications can alter ovulation. Or it can alter endometrial or uterine receptivity to a pregnancy.

Some medications can also cause changes in male sperm production as well. So it may not even be your medication!

How does this happen? Some medications affect the production of follicle stimulating hormone or luteinizing hormones produced by the pituitary gland.

How Long Do I Have To Be Off My Medications?

First, talk with your doctor to confirm it is your medications that are giving you problems getting pregnant. Not all medications affect fertility. Only some do.

The body does this thing called intake and elimination. It does this with foods as well.

Some medications you take and they build up in your system and create a steady state of the medication levels in your system. These medications might takes months to completely eliminate from your system.

Some medications get metabolized quickly and are designed to be eliminated within a day or so.

If you’ve been going through chemotherapy, one of the common agents, methotrexate, stays in your system for months. It’s recommended you wait three months before attempting to get pregnant again.

Also, some medications have a negative impact on the body as a whole. It may take another month or two for your body to recover and become receptive to pregnancy.

Ask Your Doctor About Alternative Therapies

You may have found a medication that works for you.

Or you may have a condition that still needs treatment while you try for conception.

Some conditions do have alternative treatments. For example, sleep doctors will prescribe Klonopin out of hand for REM Sleep Behavior disorder. It is the most effective drug to combat RBD, but Klonopin is also addictive and can harm your chances of pregnancy

The second most effective drug to combat RBD is Melatonin. Melatonin is a much safer and more natural than Klonopin. Your body already produces it and you can get it in an extended release formula.

Make sure you talk to your doctor about alternative treatments.


If you have any more concerns about how medications can affect your fertility or you would like to learn about fertility treatments, call Kofinas Fertility Group. And start thinking of baby names! Also, read real reviews of women who visited Kofinas Fertility Insitute.

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