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Learn the Best Options for Egg Donors

More women than ever are using egg donors as they keep delaying childbearing until long past the age when their own eggs are healthy. This has helped fuel an increased demand for egg donors by first-time mothers over the age of 40 – whose numbers have quadrupled over the past 30 years.

Why Egg Donors are Needed by Some Women as Their Only Option to Conceive

Even if the intended mother’s advanced age is not a factor, the gift of life keeps on giving from egg donors who have offered their eggs (oocytes) to women who are unable to become pregnant due to a variety of medical hurdles such as:

The grateful beneficiaries of egg donors are women who are unable to produce their own eggs to achieve pregnancy and childbirth. However, because of an egg donor’s selfless efforts, these women are now new mothers. To these women, the egg donation process was medically determined to be the prime alternative method of conceiving and delivering a healthy baby – changing their lives forever.

It is a common trend for women who have become first-time egg donors to repeat their egg donor journey because they find the experience rewarding – they have realized the gratitude and joy that their first egg donation brought to an infertile couple. In fact, their role as an egg donor has truly made a difference in the quality of life of others – forever.

Egg Donor Options – Who are Egg Donors?

Egg donors are young women who have become interested in donating their eggs through word of mouth from friends and relatives who have been involved in or personally experienced the egg donation process, either as a donor or as a recipient. Some young women egg donors have also responded to personal advertisements in their college newspaper.

Young women who become egg donors must meet the following qualifications:

A young woman begins the process by deciding that she is willing to donate her eggs to another woman. The recipient may be a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or an anonymous woman in need of healthy eggs – the most typical recipient.

Best Egg Donation Program Option

Kofinas Fertility Institute is dedicated to providing compassionate care and state of the art fertility treatment services to those women who are desirous of becoming egg donors. Dr. George Kofinas is the founder and medical director of the Kofinas Fertility Institute, and Chief of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. Dr. Kofinas is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. As a diplomat of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Kofinas is an active member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the Society of Assisted Reproductive Endocrinology (SART), and the Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI).

Without a doubt, egg donation is a genuine display of women helping women by giving the gift of life. Egg donation is a successful method of infertility treatment for women whose eggs have been medically determined not to be viable. To receive the answers to any questions you have about your best egg donor options, please contact the premiere fertility center – Kofinas Fertility Institute.

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