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What to Know Before an Ovarian Cystectomy

ovarian cystectomy

During menstruation, you’ll likely focus on the immediate effects such as cramping and mood swings.

But there is a possibility that much more is going on.

There is a small chance that you can develop ovarian cysts during the menstruation cycle.

Ovarian cysts tend to go away on their own so there isn’t much to be alarmed about. However, it would cause a few shaky thoughts to those that may have recently become pregnant.

They can cause extra issues:

There are potential complications with ovarian cysts depending on their type.

This is not an item you want to worry about during your pregnancy.

There is a procedure to remove cysts called Ovarian Cystectomy.

Before that, let’s learn more about cysts…

Ovarian Cysts and Pregnancy

Ovarian cysts are small, pea-like sacks of fluid within the ovaries which can turn slightly hard. These tend to form during the reproductive years for a woman.

An estimated 8% of women develop cysts.

During pregnancy, an ovarian cyst may be discovered due to regular ultrasounds.

It can be possible that the cyst becomes malignant which could lead to a rupture or torsion (twisting and disrupting the blood supply).

These problems can further complicate pregnancy.

A professional will tell you whether you need ovarian cystectomy based on whether the cyst lingers longer than usual or increases in size.

It may seem scary but don’t stress.

The process behind this surgery is very straightforward.

Ovarian Cystectomy: What to Know

This surgery is a common procedure for those experiencing painful and enlarged ovarian cysts.

Generally, the cysts go away with time but it’s always best to get an opinion from a health practitioner. If you feel symptoms that are currently bothering you for an extended period of time you’d want to consider this surgery.

An ovarian cystectomy is done after a series of blood tests and others including an ultrasound, CT scan, or an MRI to confirm results.

The healthcare provider will make a small incision in the abdomen or through the vagina which will allow them to examine the area using a laparoscope.

They will be able to use surgical tools to remove the cyst from the ovaries.

The removal of the cyst will allow the ovary to remain fertile.

It is possible that ovarian cysts come back after the surgery along with scarring and the potential for pain and infection.

It’s important to do regular checkups and practice personal health routines.

An ovarian cystectomy places a lot on your mind, but it’s for the well-being of yourself and that little bundle of joy on the way.

Don’t Worry (But Do Take Action)

This procedure shouldn’t cause worry as it’s very common for many already into their pregnancy and those going through regular menstruation.

Ovarian cysts may persist past pregnancy and even post-menopause.

It’s a natural event of the body which is why it’s always a smart decision to be tested for any anomalies.

Talk with a healthcare provider to determine if you have developed an ovarian cyst. Listen to their suggestions. Don’t worry but do take action.

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