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How To Read An Ovulation Calendar

An ovulation calendar is the key tool a woman should use in order to help her calculate the most fertile 12 to 24 hour period she has each month to conceive a baby. It’s not enough to believe that most women typically ovulate 14 days before the beginning of their next period. You can be proactive by keeping track of your basal body temperature and your cervical mucus in order to enhance the prediction of a successful opportunity for conception.

Ovulation Calendar

You can predict your upcoming ovulation 12 to 24 hour period in the next upcoming month by charting your basal body temperature and cervical mucus. This is the natural and free manner of tracking your body’s typical method of preparing for the release of an egg. Knowing how to keep and read an ovulation calendar will alert you to the optimal time you should have sex in order to conceive a baby.

Tracking Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

Your first task is to visit your local drug store and buy a basal body temperature thermometer. Read the package instructions on how to use your new thermometer THOROUGHLY. Tomorrow morning you will be on your way to predicting when you are going to ovulate.

Taking Notice of Your Cervical Mucus (CM)

On the day that you start your period – this is day No. 1.

Every day you will take our BBT and note what your CM looks like. For example, it may be blood tinted, dry, clear, orwhite. After 2 to 3 days of white CM discharge, you can expect your BBT to rise. Don’t be alarmed if your BBT takes a dip before rising.

Read an Ovulation Calendar

A Fertility Specialist Will Help You Read Your Ovulation Calendar

Dr. George Kofinas – who established Kofinas Fertility Institute in 1987 – has successfully guided thousands of women’s ovulation cycles into successful pregnancies.

For the answers to any questions you have about how to read an ovulation calendar, contact the premiere fertility center – Kofinas Fertility Institute. Click below to schedule a consultation or call 718-701-6267.

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