Meet Kofinas Fertility Group’s detail-oriented lab director, Dr. Maria Bertero.
Maria Bertero, MD, HCLD inspires us all at Kofinas Fertility Group in New York with her dedication to the field of fertility. Dr. Bertero has numerous published works on embryology and andrology, and she has completed extensive training all around the world in egg and embryo freezing, embryo biopsy, and more.
Dr. Bertero, in her own words…
“I have a passion for this business. I don’t wear a watch because it doesn’t matter what time of day it is, I just keep going until I finish the work I need to finish. The teamwork here is incredible. Everyone collaborates with everyone, everyone supports everyone, and everyone laughs with everyone. We all love our jobs, and that shared energy and dedication strongly contributes to our success as a clinic.
“A strong attention to detail is a mandatory quality for anyone working in an embryology lab. You have to notice the differences between embryos, how they look, how they behave and — for those who choose to have embryonic genetic testing — which embryos have the strongest genetics for implantation. Taking all these factors into consideration is the only way to produce strong results, and managing these fine details keeps me constantly alert and enthusiastic about my work.
“I couldn’t ask for a more stimulating, enjoyable environment than the lab at Kofinas Fertility Group. Personally, I’m always excited about the future. I’ve been working in the fertility laboratory field for over 25 years, when in vitro fertilization was just starting, and the technological development I’ve witnessed has been truly amazing. I love working at Kofinas Fertility Group because both Dr. Kofinas and I are always looking for the next big thing. We incorporate every viable technique available today, and we both seek to expand our capabilities as new technology emerges.”
Certified: High-Complexity Clinical Lab Director (HCLD) – American Board of Bioanalysis, Clinical Laboratory Technologist – State of New York Department of Education
Fellowships: Reproductive Physiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Urban Zonal Hospital of Pergamino, Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina
MD: National University of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
MS: Clinical Embryology and Andrology, The Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA
Leadership positions:
Scientific Director of the Embryology Laboratory, Kofinas Fertility Group, 2002-present
Director of the Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory, Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington, KY, 1998-2002