Do Any Fertility Doctors Offer Insured Fertility Programs?

Fertility treatment comes with some degree of uncertainty. Although fertility treatment has been used for decades to help couples become pregnant, it does not have a 100% success rate. Therefore, couples, particularly those without insurance coverage for fertility treatment, must consider the financial implications of an unsuccessful cycle. It’s common to wonder where a couple will stand emotionally, as well as financially, should their IVF attempts be unsuccessful. Insured fertility programs directly address this concern.

Kofinas Insured Fertility Programs

Kofinas Fertility Group is a leading provider of fertility care in NYC. Their medical team understands that financial concerns are a real issue for many seeking IVF care. Their insured fertility program provide a guarantee that if treatment is unsuccessful, they will be refunded program fees. This provides couples with a level of financial security about their fertility treatments.

Insured Fertility Program Rules

To start, couples must meet medical criteria as outlined by Kofinas Fertility. Requirements include:

  • Being able to complete the program before a woman’s 38th birthday or being open to the use of donor eggs
  • Having a sufficient sperm count or be willing to use donor sperm
  • Having a normally shaped uterus
  • Passing hormone tests

Each couple is evaluated based on their specific medical history. Determination on which couples are able to take advantage of the program is done at the sole discretion of Kofinas Fertility. Being accepted into the program does not guarantee success and being excluded from the program does not mean that treatment will not be successful.

Insured Program Coverages

The program covers up to three fresh IVF cycles and an unlimited number of frozen transfers until you have achieved a viable 14 weeks pregnancy or have exhausted your stored embryos. Should the entire process be completed and a couple has not achieved a viable 14 weeks pregnancy , their program fees will be refunded in full. Program fees do not cover monitoring costs, diagnostic testing, or medication fees.

Receive additional information on the insured fertility programs Kofinas Fertility Group offers by contacting our team today. We are here to help you start a family.
