The Benefits Of Egg Freezing

Egg freezing has slowly gained its momentum among women. No longer considered experimental, more and more women are opting for egg freezing to help lengthen their childbearing windows.

The technology that enables egg freezing has been transformed over the last few years. This has significantly improved the pregnancy success rates using frozen eggs (between 71% and 79%).

The future of egg freezing is looking bright, especially with solid, proven success rates and safety. If you’re considering the possibility of having your eggs frozen, the following benefits of egg freezing can make your decision an easy pie.

1. Limited Supply

You might think a woman has an unlimited ocean of eggs. However, the truth is each woman comes with a finite number of eggs.

As you get older, the number of eggs declines. The most favorable time to experience pregnancy is in your 20s when the success rate is 25% each month. Once you reach 30s and 40s, the number drops to 15% and 5% accordingly.

This is where egg freezing comes in. It preserves your chance of getting pregnant.

2. Maintain Your Personal and Career Goals

With egg freezing, you have more freedom to pursuit other important areas in life. Women often face the pressure that they have to compromise their career goals when it comes to childbearing.

However, egg freezing biologically puts women equal to men by empowering them to take control of their future. Women, like their male partners, can have the best of both worlds with egg freezing.

3. Diminished Egg Quality as You Age

The quality of your eggs declines as you move from your 20s to your 30s. This means there’s a higher chance of having chromosomal abnormalities and miscarriage.

Freezing your eggs is a great way to maintain the current health of your eggs. It also improves the possibilities of conception through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

4. Simple Process

Though the technology that enables egg freezing is complicated, the process is rather simple and straightforward.

The doctor will give you a mild dose of hormones to help ripen your eggs. Next, your eggs will be collected under conscious sedation to ensure no pain. A needle will be passed through the vagina into the ovary and eggs will be removed and stored in a laboratory.

Once the procedure is finished, you’ll know the number of eggs that has been collected.

5. Educational Value

Once involved in the egg freezing process, women become more aware of their fertility health. They’ll learn to avoid things that have a negative impact on their egg quantity and quality.

This might sound like a no-brainer thing, yet it’s extremely important. Without proper understanding about your fertility prospects, it’s easy to run into future disappointments and make decisions that you might regret later in life.

A Final Look on Egg Freezing

Having your eggs frozen is like having a good insurance plan. It lifts the social burden and pressure off your shoulders. It’s also proven to be a safe process with high success rates.

If you’re interested in learning more about your fertility health, contact us today to get the advice and support you need.
