The 5 Best Foods That Are Natural Fertility Boosters

fertility boosters

There are a ton of ways to boost your fertility chances. Fertility boosters can seem to be anything it seems. There are some great tips that are vital to understand and take notice to, especially regarding your health.

When it comes to being pregnancy, being healthy and happy are two main focuses on increasing fertility.

One way to easily add a fertility booster to your life is your diet. What you put in your mouth has a huge impact on increasing your chances of getting pregnant! We’ve researched the five best foods that are natural fertility boosters, and the results are eye-opening!


While you might be a carnivore, a great fertility booster is to drop meat for other protein sources.

Beans, lentils, tofu, edamame, and nuts were found to be excellent sources of protein to replace meat. It was found that too much fat and animal protein can actually reduce your chances of being fertile!

Of course, avoiding meat entirely does not have to be a part of your pregnancy worries. Salmon and other fish that carry lots of omega-3 fatty acids actually can help! The fatty acids help boost blood flow to organs, such as reproductive organs.

Eat more natural plant-based proteins and less animal-based ones!


Believe it or not, avocado is a great fertility booster.

In a recent study from 2016, it was shown that avocados contain many of the critical nutrients for fetal and infant health and development.

Avocados are also a great source of vitamin E. This vitamin helps to boost the lining of the uterus wall. The process makes it easier for the embryo to attach to the wall.

As one of the main fertility boosters, you cannot go wrong with avocados!

Raw Dairy

Whole or raw dairy products are seen to boost estrogen and progesterone hormones. The fat from dairy can balance the sex hormones and promote ovulation.

As with avocados, raw dairy also has fatty acids and enzymes. These natural fertility boosters are easy to come by! Milk, yogurt, cheeses, and more can have a great effect on conception.

Leafy Greens

While they may not be a favorite, greens are great fertility boosters! Dark, leafy greens that contain folic acid are key, such as:

  • Spinach
  • Romaine
  • Arugula
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Chard

Folic acid can help prevent birth defects. The acid also promotes the growth of new cells, so it is important to start getting folic acid into your diet now!

For more information on how folic acid can help you and your pregnancy, check out our blog!

Whole Grain Foods

Whole grains are important sources of B vitamins, vitamin E, and fiber. Great sources of proper whole grain foods are:

  • Pasta
  • Dark breads
  • Brown rice

These grains are low-glycemic-index foods, which are fertility boosters!

Processed foods should not be a huge part of your diet, especially while trying to conceive. These foods raise insulin levels, which can inhibit ovulation.

Fertility Boosters and You

If you’re hoping to become pregnant, we are here to help.

Kofinas Fertility Group is dedicated to helping you start a family. Please take our fertility assessment, which helps to gain an understanding of your situation.

Feel free to contact us for more information on how we can help increase your chances of getting pregnant!
