Are There Natural Treatments Available For Treating Fibroids?

Medical research and clinical experience point to the following factors as the cause of uterine fibroids:

  • Genetic contrasts – fibroids have genes that contrast to those found in normal uterine muscle cells.
  • Genetic history – fibroids appear from generation to generation and the tendency for growth is handed down within families.
  • Hormones – fibroids are made up of receptors that contain higher estrogen and progesterone levels than normal uterine muscle cells.

Fibroids Naturally Shrink After Menopause

The two hormones that stimulate the production of the lining of the uterus during each menstrual cycle to prepare for the implantation of the embryo are estrogen and progesterone. Fibroids naturally diminish after menopause because of the decreased production of estrogen and progesterone.

Natural Treatment for Treating Fibroids

The pain experienced from fibroids may naturally begin to diminish after a woman goes through menopause because her levels of estrogen and progesterone naturally decrease.

The symptoms of fibroids may be relieved prior to menopause by:

  • Ibuprofen and acetaminophen and other over-the-counter medications can provide as needed relief from the discomfort caused by fibroids
  • Heating pad, hot water bottles, or hot tub soaks are helpful for lower back and stomach pains
  • Therapeutic massage treatments
  • Thermal heat pads or ice-pack with cautioned use to avoid both heat/ice burns

Understanding the Uterine Fibroid Symptom Experience

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths within the uterus that often appear during a woman’s reproductive years. These benign growths cause a woman to experience pelvic pressure or pain, prolonged periods with heavy bleeding, as well as bladder pressure or frequent urination.

Uterine fibroids cause:

  • distortion or blockage to a woman’s fallopian tubes
  • interferences with the passage of sperm from the cervix to the fallopian tubes
  • prevention of implantation and growth of an embryo within the uterus

Each of these can result in infertility.

Treating Fibroids

To alleviate symptoms and avoid infertility potentially caused by fibroids, a procedure known as a myomectomy may be recommended by a doctor.

A myomectomy is performed by either:

  • Insertion of a hysteroscope through the cervix
  • Insertion of a laparoscope through small abdominal incisions

This allows the doctor to remove obstructive fibroids – alleviating symptoms as well as promoting fertility within the woman’s uterine lining – without scarring.

Diagnosing the Types of Uterine Fibroids

Medical professionals specializing in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) can guide you by detecting fibroids, directing natural treatments available for treating fibroids, or advising on medical procedures required for treating fibroids.

Consult a Pioneer in ART

Kofinas Fertility Institute – founded by Dr. George Kofinas in 1987 – is a pioneering institution in ART.

Since it was founded, Kofinas Fertility Institute has successfully managed the treatment of thousands of infertile patients including the treatments available for fibroids.

Dr. George Kofinas has been selected by New York magazine as one of the Best Doctors in the tri-state area for 17 of the past 17 years.

Dr. Kofinas has been chosen annually as a Top Doctor in Brooklyn.

Dr. George Kofinas is the founder and medical director of the Kofinas Fertility Institute, and Chief of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, NY.

Dr. Kofinas is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.

As a diplomat of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG), and a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), Dr. Kofinas is an active member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the Society of Assisted Reproductive Endocrinology (SART), the Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI), the Society of Reproductive Surgeons (SRS), the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL), and the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY).

To receive the answers to the questions you have about natural treatments available for treating fibroids, please accept this invitation to contact Kofinas Fertility Institute. 
